About Us

Craftsman Remodeling Team

A team of quality tradesman willing to go the distance for any project. 

My name is Cody Forlenza, owner of Back to Basics Home Improvement LLC, proudly announcing our all new division doing business as Craftsman Remodeling. On the weekends, I am an outdoor enthusiast enjoying everything the mountains have to offer from riding trails with friends to camping with my wife, our dog and baby girl.

My pathway to construction started because of an incredibly supportive family that poured themselves into developing my interest at a young age and cultivated my aptitude for hands on work ethic. By middle school I had an established lawn route, worked for a contractor during the summer, and was regularly helping neighbors with odd jobs. As a Sophomore at Highlands Ranch High School, with eyes on a first car, I was a contemplative in action mustering up the courage to brand my business and set out on foot with my first flyer route going door to door to hundreds of homes to market my idea of creating a handyman/holiday light list.

Quality carpentry & remodeling in Colorado

I carried the same dedication and enthusiasm all the way through college graduating high honors from Regis University with a degree in Business Management while continuing to give shape to my dream and grow my services. With a clear focus and a decade of experience under my belt, those ambitions lead to pursuing a General Contractors license after building a team that has propelled me to reach more people with my passion. More than ever, today I am at the intersection of where my gifts have met my purpose. This is my life’s work.

Cody removing tiles
Craftsman Remodeling Team and Friends
Craftsmen Remodeling
Craftsmen Remodeling Team

Our Team Members

Steven Charles

Construction Engineer

Steven Charles

Construction Engineer

Steven Charles

Construction Engineer

Steven Charles

Construction Engineer

Steven Charles

Construction Engineer

Steven Charles

Construction Engineer